Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whitney Houston

As we all know Whitney Houston was found dead in her bath tub on February 11, 2012. The cause of her death is still unknown. She was found by her hairdresser with her face under water and her feet up as if she had slipped in the tub. It was reported that Whitney Houston was acting belligerent the night before and got into an altercation with Stacy Francis, a situation in which her boyfriend at the time Ray J had to step in and break up. She was scheduled to attend Clive Davis music show that evening making her death all the more unexpected.
We all loved Whitney Houston. It shows in her awards, she is the most awarded female artist of all time. We have all seen at least one of her 5 movies. Bodyguard being one her more critcally acclaimed movies. Everything Whitney Houston touched has been gold. She modeled, acted and sang there is nothing the talented artist could not do.
Whitney Houston will be missed!

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